Listen to The American Covenant with Tim Ballard
- The covenant a nation must keep to have peace, prosperity and liberty.
- Seven miraculous events that helped America win her freedom.
- The key promises that both Congress and George Washington pleaded with the people to keep in order to have God’s help. Are you keeping them today?
- The one important thing John Adams asked Americans to do each Independence day to keep the covenant in force that most of us overlook.
Click to listen The American Covenant with Tim Ballard
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These articles are written by Margaret Agard author of the In His Foot Steps memoirs:
Overwhelmed with more to do than time to do it in, Margaret began giving her daily to-do list to God. That’s when her new life began.
“”I liked the spunk and matter of fact way the author describes her daily walk with God. I liked the bits and pieces of wisdom throughout. It was a breath of fresh air from what I’m used to reading. It has little to do with productivity and everything to do with being led by the Spirit and serving others by asking God what to do every day.“
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