We knew each other’s voices intimately because there were only eight of us. Brother Don, our one bass, said the words more than sang them. But that worked, his low rumble adding fullness. The two tenors were great. The only great part of our choir. The three sopranos included a twelve-year-old with a small voice,…
I’m Done With Fear
Four years ago I gave up fear. No matter who won or lost, in spite of global warming, nuclear war, famine coming I gave up fear. I’ve had sixty years of it and I’m done with it. See below. Age 7: hiding under my desk during bomb drills. Even then I wasn’t sure how hiding…
The End: Which do you choose?
I kept asking God why? Why put me with Parker? We were so different. I’m no believer in the one true love, the soul mate so why send me three thousand miles away from home to put me together with a man who was my opposite in many ways? Surely there could have been someone…
Speaking Truth About God
I needed to start speaking truth about God. I didn’t because I didn’t want people to think I was weird. But better to be thought weird than taking credit where it wasn’t due. Last week for example. I wanted a break from Parker’s heart-healing diet which unfortunately, or I guess fortunately, was working. Parker’s symptoms…
A Heart for Service
I sat combing the knots out of the dark, waist-length hair of Sissy, the much younger sister of my sixty-year old friend Betty. After her sister was admitted for attempted suicide, Betty informed me it was my job to come to the hospital to comb her sister’s messy hair. I didn’t know anywhere in the…
This Is Meaning and Purpose Enough For Me

View Post Some days I am happy to ask God for His tasks, other days not so happy – hoping for a simple, one-off task like a phone call. This was one of those thank-you-it-is-only-a-phone-call days. The task? Call Karen, a friend I hadn’t been in touch with for months. Her medications give her insomnia…