On Sunday the young missionaries asked me for a ride on Tuesday to see a family who wasn’t returning their calls or text messages. “We’ll be fasting and praying for them all day,” one said. A 60 mile drive on back roads to visit a family who wasn’t responding. Whatever. Off we went on Tuesday…
Forgiving The Unforgivable

From The Mediator Forgive the unforgivable and become whole.Speaking at a conference with the theme “Becoming A Zion People” my focus was Forgiving the Unforgivable.You can hear the 20 minute talk right now – or just read the main points below. Forgiving The Unforgivable There are acts that seem truly unforgivable – the horrifically abused…
The Tomb Is Only Empty Because Christ is Risen
New Book Tidbit

A couple of tidbits from In His Footsteps: Missions Jose Romero “You’ve got to meet Jose Romero,” said Elder John, smiling in anticipation of our pleasure. “He’s crazy!” said Elder John. “You want us to meet a crazy person?” we said. “He’s crazy but great. You have to meet him.” Elder Cook nodded his head…
Creating Feel Good Spaces for Body, Mind and Spirit

How To Create Feel Good Spaces Five Must Know Tips for Creating Your Own Feel Good SpacesSherry Burton Ways shares her discoveries for creating a space you can come home to for rejuvenation and healing of your body, mind and spirit. Five must know tips and techniques for creating your own Feel Good SpaceHow to…
Santa Claus Was My Father

Every year my father donned his Santa Claus outfit and headed out. First he visited the small children in our home, next the neighbors’ children and finally he delivered cookies and gifts my mother had made to widows and shut-ins. One year a woman called the house saying she heard the knock, saw the gifts…
Spiritual and Emotional Healing Through Creativity

A Talent For Healing The Art, Writing and Crafting of A HealingYou have been given talents that you can use both to heal yourself and others. Think you don’t have such a talent? Listen as today’s guests share their healing talents and how they discovered them. Ted makes art of people’s scarsGina reads and writes…
How Service Heals the Healer

Successful Healing Service The Secret To Successful Healing A doctor, an author and a businesswoman all found the secret.Al Stone of Eagle Herbs, Vicky Trabosh author, speaker and founder of Rwandan Service organization, Itafari, and Diane Conklin of Complete Marketing Systems share how compassion and service brings healing Understanding the difference between pain and sufferingWhat…