We knew each other’s voices intimately because there were only eight of us. Brother Don, our one bass, said the words more than sang them. But that worked, his low rumble adding fullness. The two tenors were great. The only great part of our choir. The three sopranos included a twelve-year-old with a small voice,…
Category: Inspirational Christmas Readings
Santa Claus Was My Father

Every year my father donned his Santa Claus outfit and headed out. First he visited the small children in our home, next the neighbors’ children and finally he delivered cookies and gifts my mother had made to widows and shut-ins. One year a woman called the house saying she heard the knock, saw the gifts…
Bells Are Ringing
It’s that time of year again, when a lot of us stand all bundled up, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. Today is my shift and I’m not happy about it. I know I’m going to be cold and bored and have to listen to that ever-ringing bell the whole time. And I’m the…