I had a bushel (or two) of tomatoes to can the day before a two-week trip. And a cash deposit to make. I had no idea how I ended up with $100 in small bills, but I had it, and I wanted it in the bank before I managed to dribble it away on easily…
People as young as eight and as old as ninety share how they saw a need, acted and changed the world a bit at a time. The world is a good place filled with good people. These are the stories that inspire.
Getting Grants for Community Service Organizations Martin Teitel, author of The Ultimate Insiders Guide to Winning Foundation Grants, has been on both sides of the table. He has worked for non-profits seeking grants and charitable foundations funding grants for more than 40 years. Today he shares the insiders secrets to grants including: Why should grants be only a part…
Prison Entrepreneurship Program One way you can make a community safer is to change the attitudes and lives of the people who commit crimes. This is one program that cuts repeat offending by 95%. Do you want that for your community? Would you feel safer if 95% of criminals didn’t commit crimes any more? What…
The Good News About Good News from In His Footsteps Podcast Two women turn their love of good news into newspapers: online and print. Geri Weis-Corbley started the online Good News Network and Lisa Minney the print magazine Two Lane Living in West Virginia. Bonus: how to turn your skills and commitments into a salary OH!…
Home for humanity on In His Footsteps A decent house for an affordable price. What a simple philosophy. Do you need a house?Can you help build a house?Do you want to meet good people doing good stuff?Shawn Means tells us how to help.Janna Minued shares what a difference a good house made. Listen now to…
Fun Fundraising Ideas It’s that time of year again. Fundraising. Tired of the same old same old? How about a baked bean bath? Bungee jumping grandmas? Coming up these and 7 more fun and surprisingly successful fundraising ideas you can use or suggest . Listen now to Fun Fundraising on the In His Footsteps podcast. Clue – not Firewalking…
Hosted by Margaret Agard author of the In His Footsteps memoirs. Click to listen to Art Rorheim Art tells us What Awana isWhy youth who participate in Awana are 6 times as likely to go to church after graduating from high school as those who do notHow to start a nonprofit organization with no moneyThe…
Listen to The Secret To Success on the In His Footsteps podcast Have you been asking God for the opportunity to learn a new talent or skill, or to have a new item or even person in your life. God said our guest, Myra Dolan, could have what she wanted if she was willing to…