“She asked for her errand from God even though she already had too much to do.”

Bringing her trademark candor, wry wit, and warmth, award-winning author Margaret Agard gives us a smart, funny and timeless memoir appealing to both skeptics and believers, alike.
Already overwhelmed with her five-page long to-do list thanks to a new marriage, two sons facing the tumultuous teen years, and work as a computer consultant, she’s asked to organize care for all the women of her church from the new young mothers to grieving widows. In desperation, she turns her list over to God.
“This was a treasure for me because I am a list maker”

Amazon ReviewerThat’s when her new life began. Within weeks her to-do list was empty even though she had spent little time on it. Instead, God led her on a journey of service that brought her into constant contact with His great love, teaching her innumerable life lessons along the way.
“I liked the spunk and matter of fact way the author describes her daily walk with God. I liked the bits and pieces of wisdom throughout. It was a breath of fresh air from what I’m used to reading. It has little to do with productivity and everything to do with being led by the Spirit and serving others by asking God what to do every day.“
Goodreads ReviewerBuy now from your favorite place!
Agard brings both profound insight and self-deprecating humor to the simplest of these moments. Each finely crafted piece illuminates the small and great events of a woman who chooses to be led by God. Written with strength and compassion the whole creates a memorable experience, that lingers long after the memoir is finished.
“I turn to it often when I need a pick me up, or just a good laugh. As I’m reading it I always feel enlightened.”

R. Rogers
Amazon ReviewerHear Margaret read Manure, a popular story from the book
“An inspiring, easy read with laugh-out-loud moments
Tamara H.
Kindle reviewerBuy now from your favorite place!
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Margaret Agard and her new husband Parker felt the call – sell all that you have and follow in missonary work. Starting out in one of Parker’s projects, a restored 1980 El Camino, Agard shares a compelling and often humorous account of the life of modern day servant/missionaries.
From an inner city Hispanic church to the wilds of Alaska, Agard’s account of missionary stories radiates warmly from her skillful depiction of the characters she befriended.
Agard invokes people and life lessons that that become part of a reader, from the Hispanic matriarch who shares food and off-beat insight (why it’s smart to have a death quilt) to the native Alaskan culture where gray hair is a plus.
Written with wry humor and engaging personality–taking on faith, love, family, and the elderly —In His Footsteps: Missions We Sold All We Had and Followed As God Created Miracles and New Hearts is a moving memoir of spiritual growth, certain to delight anyone who has ever given up everything (or wanted to) to gain wisdom and a new heart.
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